Child Development and Disability Network

The Child Development and Disability Clinical Network was developed in 2019 and transitioned to the Neurodevelopment Clinical Network in July 2023.

The Clinical Reference Group was comprised of members from multiple disciplines, regions, and clinical backgrounds across primary, secondary, and tertiary care services.

The overarching goals are to improve child and family health and social participation outcomes for children with developmental disabilities and their families.

Key focus areas of the networks activities

  1. CONNECTION: To create forums for greater connection between stakeholders across neurodevelopmental health conditions, health system end users and service providers and across sectors, including health, education and ACC.

  2. EDUCATE: Provide evidence-based education opportunities for all child disability stakeholders, to improve the quality of care and quality of outcomes.

  3. RESOURCE: Develop and disseminate evidence-based resources identified as priorities by children with disabilities and their families and service providers.

The work has included ADHD, Down Syndrome, Engagement, MoH Consultation, Education

If you would like to contact us for further information, please email